داستان آبیدیک

regulatory macrophage


1 عمومی:: ماکروفاژ تنظیم‌کننده

Some have even described macrophage activation as a "color wheel," with classically-activated, wound healing and regulatory macrophages as the primary colors, and the secondary colors representing intermediate macrophage phenotypes (Mosser and Edwards, 2008). Pro-resolving macrophages (aka regulatory macrophages) suppress inflammation via upregulation of IL-10. 4. the avoidance of the term "regulatory macrophages", as well as the use of GM-CSF to create M1 macrophages and CSF for M2 macrophages; and Thus, nutrient competi- tion between local tissue macrophages and neighboring immune cells has been identified as an additional potent immunosup- pressive mechanism employed by regulatory macrophages (Murray et al.

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